Goofy Improv Tales

Aryan Kotian
2 min readApr 14, 2023


Season 1 Episode 1 (PILOTS)

Goofy person
Very Goofy person captured by Government of Nigero

Once upon a time there was a pilot named Tantra who was very goofy. He was the pilot of Reddy Airlines and his co-pilot was Gaurav Sudeep. So, one day this power couple were flying over a mountain of Sting energy bottles.

🤓: “Actually this is pollution” — Gaurav

The power couple shot a missile on they/them.

So, the power couple stole some bottles via the plane. But then there was a dark shadow hovering over them. “Wait, please don’t say we are flying over Nigero” says Tantra. His fears came true. The plane was flying in the airspace of Nigero and the dark shadow was none other than the flying parliament of the country “Gundu Gopal Anna”, named after Nigero’s president (dictator). A deep voice said “What ra Tantra too much sting bottle showing”

🤡: “Oh I heard this audio meme in Insta reels bro it was W bro like LOL”- Sanku

The power couple shot a missile on they/them.

Gundu Gopal Anna then gave a warning to Tantra (maybe a warning idk what wattpad thing it was) “TANTRA! Remember to come to my office to talk about some unfinished business 😏”. Tantra being the goofy guy forcefully lands the plane on the parliament’s pad and then goes to Anna’s office. He then gets arrested. Gaurav Sudeep freaks out but then makes a devious ahh plan.

What was the devious ahh plan? What happens next?

Follow this blog ahh tales for the next tales. (I am not that jobless to write daily)

You after reading this goofy ahh story.

